Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked..." Kalil Gibran

On the 24th of November 2010, at approximately 4.30pm, I lost all contact with the outside world. On about day 6 of the silent meditation retreat I thought back longingly to the above time and wondered why I had so willingly given up my books. Partly, I had thought that the management people at the centre would kind of "search" my bags for cell phones, pens, paper, books and other such items. Little did I know that I could esaily have kept one small book hidden in my bag. Ah the beauty of hind-sight.

For those who didn't know, from the 24th of November until the 5th of December I went on a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat. It was probably by far the hardest thing I had to do. I needed it, a swift blow to end the studies and to bring me (rather rudely) into the next phase - the adventure planning. Let me give you a brief outline of the course.

4am - wake-up bell (rung again at 4.20 just incase you may have slip off to sleep again
4.30-6.30 - meditation on you own

          On day one I was excited, eager, happy to get up. The sky is quite beautiful at this time of the morning.

6.30-7.15 - breakfast followed by rest until 8am
8-9 - group meditation in meditation hall (my best time to meditate I discovered)
9-11 - meditation in hall/room according to the new inscructions of the teacher (sometimes the new students would stay in the hall with the teacher, other times the old students would)
11-11.45 - lunch (WHAT?! NOT EVEN MIDDAY! i HAVE NEVER EATEN SO EARLY!) and rest

      And then the hardest time began, 5 hours of meditation without rest...
      And then a mercy break - tea, our last meal of the day consisted on popcorn, fruit and tea... 5-6

6-7 - group sit
7-8.15 - discourse - this was the longest amount of talking we encountered the whole day, a tele-recorded lecture where the teacher spoke about the theory and history and other issues about Vipassana
8.30-9 - Last meditation of the day (and then bed, thank goodness).

As said, day 1 and 2 were fine. Day 2, I tried to think if there was any way of running away - my cousin lives in Cape Town, not far from Worcester, and I toyed with the idea of asking for something from my bag, slipping my phone out and calling said cousin, telling her to tell the centre that it was an emergency and that I had to leave immediately. On day 3 if you had given me the choice of cleaning a male army barracks bathroom with a toothbrush, or more meditating, I'd most definitely have chosen the former!

On day 5 I'd rehearsed my speach to the teacher, to beg him to let me leave. I learnt that night that it is very difficult to get a coherant argument out while crying hard ;) that night I prayed - my mom and I have occasionally experienced telepathic moments and so I tried to send her messages to call the centre and tell them that I must leave now! Signal wasn't that good in the mountains!

And so I stuck it out, there were good points, and bad points but I learnt one of the main lessons there - nothing is permanent, neither pain nor pleasure and "This too will change". When I was at my lowest and thought nothing would change, it eventually did. When I got sick and thought the rest of the retreat would be passed in snot and sore throats, I observed (with a lot of pusing from the teacher) the cold arise and pass soon after. Also, when I had the best moments and was happy, these times too passed and I realised that it is true, that it is only craving and aversion that causes all the misery in life - if you have good, you always want good and when you don't get it you are depressed. When you have bad you can never seem to see any good and think you will be like this forever, and so you become more depressed. Or angry, or sad. And all you need do is realise that this too shall pass.

And so too now, shall this blog post pass, for long blogs make a person loose interest and I definitely don't want you, dear reader, to loose interest in my writing. For the next stage of the adventure, I will encounter snags, problems, moments of euphoric excitement and hopefully with some of the lessons I learnt on the retreat, I will let none get me down or make me crave the good only. The light always needs a dark place to rest.

P.S. excuse typos...

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