Thursday, March 17, 2011

Japan and the nuclear explosion

So not a very creative title but none the less it covers the topic of this post.

All has been said and more about the horrible tradgedy in Japan. It is unthinkable and unimaginable what the inhabitants are feeling. As Leigh said a while ago, "I feel like I want to say something about Japan but it is just too terrible". That said it pretty well.

I want to commnent on a news report that I heard on about Tuesday evening. A second or third explossion had happened at the Nuclear plant in Fokoshima (probably not spelt correctly!). There was mild panic, apparently also for China, as the winds could blow the radiation there. But, the news report continued, thankfully the wind at that time was not blowing towards China but over the Pacific Ocean. So, according to the reporter, it was okay for the radiation to blow out over the water and the plants and animals... It is just as tradgic for the pollution to be blown over the body of water as it is to be blown over a body of people. I don't know if the radiations affects the animals and water and plants as it does humans but it makes me sad that reporters feel that human life is worth more than non-human life.

And so last night, at meditation, when we had a moment of silent prayer for Japan, I sent blessings not only to the victims and their families, but also the the Pacific Ocean.

I am sure I wasn't the first and won't be last person to do this. I just thought to comment on the situation from this perspective. I hope more people will spare a thought for the environment, the pets and the animals affected by the earthquake, wave and explosion. At least, to a certain extent, we have the ability to run. Many do not.

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