Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jai Gurudev

I have just finished a 6 day meditation course - not as hectic at the Vipassana course. This one was a lot more nurturing and gentle. It's called Art of Living. I have done the course once before. As a repeater I took a lot more from the course than the first time. Now I have made a commitment - for the next 90 days I will be getting up between 4.30 and 5.15am, and every morning for the next 13 weeks and one day, I will practise this meditation. This morning was the second day, and already easier! And some crazy things are happing - it's good. It's more than good, it's fantastic! Do go to the link that is attacked to the heading of this post and read more about Art of Living for your self :)

Bhavatu sabba-mangalam

What is Meditation?

A mind that is in the present moment is meditation

A mind that is in the present moment is meditation.

A mind that is calm, without hesitation and anticipation is meditation.

Meditation offers innumerable benefits. The rest you gain in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep. The deeper your rest, the more dynamic your activity is.

An inward journey with Meditation

Ready to begin the journey?

To experience meditation, you need not go to a remote cave in the Himalayas.

Meditation is diving deep within at this moment.

Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source.

In meditation - your mind is alert, and all other organs are in deep rest.

Repose in the cool, calm, serene depth of your Being.

Letting go and Meditation

Do you think that meditation is deep concentration? Then you’re in for a surprise:

Meditation is de-concentration, letting go.

To meditate:

  • Let go - of anger and events from the past
  • Let go - of desires and planning for the future

Meditation is accepting this moment, and living every moment totally with depth.

Total relaxation with Meditation

Are you curious to know the steps/actions that lead to meditation?

The good news is that, you need not do anything – meditation is not an action, it is an art of letting go without any effort.

Step 1: Relax

Step 2: Relax more

Step 3: Relax more and more

Meditation happens with effortlessness.

There are numerous meditation techniques that exist in the world, The Art of Living offers a course which teaches one how to meditate with complete ease, in just 20 minutes, one can sink into deep meditation. It is called the ‘Sahaj Samadhi’ meditation, meaning ‘an easy and effortless way to reach the highest state of meditation’. Once learnt, it can be used anywhere, while sitting at home or travelling on train or airplane.

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