Monday, May 16, 2011

The Ugandan Gay Death Penalty Bill... the result

And so it passes.

The Gay death penalty bill was STOPPED (thank goodness!). Religious extremists, giving whatever religion they believed in a bad name, were the ones who pushed it initially. Fundamental Christians from America were, according to news reports and an interview on 702 Talk radio, the people who planted the seed in the minds of the Ugandan government to have this bill.

People lost their lives fighting against this bill. For now it has been stopped. But the fundamentalists could push it again in the next few months, according to LGBT activists. It's such a pity that people push such warped visions in the name of a religion, any religion. Thank goodness for global outcries. Thank goodness that we have access to this information that allows the whole world to protect a group of people in Uganda

To quote a dear friend of mine: If God does not want gay people, then those fighting against this sin (?!?!?!) should question why He keeps on making so many of them.

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