Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November is Mo-vember, NoNoWriMo and #novembergratitude

November seems to be an awfully busy month. I wonder why peeps decide to do so much so late in the year?

Anyway, November is home to the following things:

- Movember: guys grow 'taches to raise awareness around the world about men who suffer from prostate and testicular cancer (like breast cancer awareness month. I have to be honest, Movember is a lot more catchy that BCAM - B Cam... That could catch on?)

- NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month. Every month, kids across the world, young and old, open a new word document on their computers and spend hours each day thrashing out a 50 000 word novel. There are prizes for all sorts of crazy goings on in the month, and kids are encouraged to send their works off for publication.

- #novembergratitude: the point of this post. carlakaywhite.com is hosting a gratitude drive. Each day, from the 1st of November until the 30 of November, she is challenging peeps all around the world to spend a few minutes a day thinking of one thing (or more) that they are truly grateful for. Share or don't share it. But Dooooooo Eeeeeeet. I thinks cats can get quite creative here - share on facebook (HappyTapper.com) or twitter (#novembergratitude) or get photographically creative on Instagram (#novembergratitude)

PS (fell free to share this banner. You can find more at http://carlakaywhite.com/2012/10/30-days-of-gratitude-are-you-in/)

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